360X Professional Placement


Our Mission is to provide Genuine Recruiters that are passionate in matchmaking with Top Talent Candidates for our Clients and building long-term relationships, while also providing one point of contact for all staffing needs.


  • Contract: Long-term or short, finding out you are in a dire need to take care of a project, we can quickly find you an immediate solution.
  • Contract to hire: Looking to make an addition to the team but may not have the budget, additional headcount allowance or just want a candidate to prove themselves before making the decision?  We have candidates for you!
  • Direct Hire: Trying to hire can be a headache and a full time position in itself.  We have a built in Network and can help you match the right candidate with your needs.
  • Executive Search:  We take care of your C-Suite positions like we do with any Direct Hire needs!  No money down and contingent upon an offer!  So give us a shot before you have to shell out a pocket full before even seeing a candidate.


  • Superintendent
  • Safety Personnel
  • Administrative
  • Construction Manager
  • Engineers
  • Foreman
  • Project Management
  • Estimator
  • QA/QC Personnel
  • Onsite/Offsite Office Personnel

Download our Employee Mobile App

Our mobile app is designed to give quality craftsmen like you access to 360X at your fingertips. As a 360X craftsman, you can Enjoy on-the-go access to 360X job opportunities, employee requests, streamlined onboarding and more.